
後疫情時代 國際貿易合作越發艱難



另外因國際貿易詐騙手法也越來越嚴重,間接增加雙方的交易風險與難度,從而導致交易案常發生買賣雙方的不信任 、各國外力介入 、銀行支付條件、經濟發展因素之影響等等,造成交易雙方無法完成合作。


Global Trade has Becoming More Difficult in the Post-Pandemic Era.

In recent years, trading transaction has plunged due to the pandemic, international financial situation, political instability between countries, and wars. Moreover, it is more difficult for the transaction after the publification of the Money Laundering Control Act. In response to the new act, the authorities and banks of each country have been cooperating, to promote the completion of the cooperation.

In addition, global trade scam has become more serious, causing the risk and difficulty of the transaction. As a consequence, cooperation failures are caused because of the mistrust between the vendor and the purchaser, external intervention, terms of banking payment, and economic development factors.

Subsequently, it is worth focusing on the future trends and situation of global trade and how to develop a better and more sustainable development of global trade.

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